
20 November 2012


"Nostalgia needs time. One cannot accelerate meaningful remembrance." NYT

Now that Thanksgiving is finally upon us (nearly)  there will only be 2 weeks left in the semester upon our return on Monday. I've survived my first semester of college! I remember not being able to imagine myself in college when I was younger and I'd think Maybe I'll die before I get there... Well, silly 6-year old me was just not very bright. Anyway, I will commence this Thanksgiving break with a list of things to be thankful for:
1. People: family, friends, the whole lot! Because without people, you'd be very lonely and sad. Then there's all that wonderfulness that comes with them. It's like a package deal- you can't get one without the other.
2. The concrete jungle: I'm thankful for New York because it is such a wonderful place to grow up and as Neel Shah said in Mr. Penumbra's 24-Hour Bookstore"The suburban mind cannot comprehend the emergent complexity of a New York sidewalk." I couldn't imagine thriving anywhere else.
3. Opportunity: Without opportunity, the world would not progress.

Then all the other random wonderful things in the world (in no particular order):
1. Pho
2. Bubble Tea
3. Kimchi
4. Uniqlo
5. Cake
6. MTA
7. Moleskine
8. Muji
9. Google
10. Wikipedia
11. Facebook
12. Kellogg's 
13. Nutella
14. Rice cakes
to infinity and beyond...

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