
26 May 2013

She's Back!

Happy Memorial Day Weekend, everyone! Hope you're spending tomorrow at the beach and I hope it won't be as blustery as today is.

But on the topic of college, City College's Spitzer School of Architecture has welcomed me with wide open, warm, loving arms! (hoorah, break out the sparklers!) To be frank, I was slightly fearful that I would not be accepted. But why? you may ask. Isn't City College a public university that anybody can go to?! Yes, that is correct: City College is part of NYC's CUNY university system. However, because I specifically applied to their school of architecture, the admissions committee is much more selective. I also doubted my acceptance because to be honest, the Creative Challenge that I was required to submit was really, really bad. In comparison to the same assignment I had submitted a year prior, this one was a lackluster effort completed within a week without much regard.

But in the end, I'm going back to college and all is well! I'll be a freshman without the comedic freshman naïveté.

Stay tuned for August 28, the first day of the rest of my life (but not really)

I also have to change that banner.

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