
13 September 2012

5 AM? No Big.

Just thought I'd share a bit of news: I'm officially on the crew team! Now I shall smile and appreciate your cheers and well wishes. (Thanks!) My wonderful roommate startled me with a "CONGRATULATIONS!" then I was all "what? what's going on?"

Now, I've been thinking about this for a while and have come to the conclusion that if the sun gets to sleep in during the winter, so should crewtons! Besides, how useful will we be if we maim ourselves tripping over a large rock that we didn't see because it was pre-sunrise and too dark? Not very useful, right? I'll have to take this up with management.

Aside from the princess-y talk, I would like to acknowledge that I have two nearly full cases of soymilk. I suspect that someone took a few cartons when the case was propping the door open, but I still have yet to finish a single carton. So if anyone needs soymilk, come to the soymilk lady. Maybe I'll sneak a carton into the continental breakfast fridge every day... I also have tea.

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