
15 November 2012

4 Day Countdown

This is it, the four days before I get to go home to my wonderful city in all its glory and magnificence!

T-minus 4: Homecoming; a lame high school event that makes '12 all giddy because we haven't seen our high school besties in much too long; included: reunion runs to DD, lots of hugging and smiling and all that cheesy nonsense, and i think there's food involved, no?

T-minus 3: NYC; this has just been the longest I've been away from a city and I don't like it one bit; I miss being able to walk from Madison Sq. Park to Union Square to Herald Square to the west side to the High Line to Chelsea... and all the H&Ms in between

T-minus 2: Thanksgiving; at the end everyone feels overly bloated and miserable yet thankful for everything there is so be thankful for

T-minus 1: the PEOPLE! the fam, the girls, the MALES, the biddies, the sibbies, and every wonderful new yorker!

i'm super giddy and anxious and there are just so many things i need to do (Shake Shack runs: fine dining at its best) before re-entering the world of no return (SoHads). i also need to absorb testosterone which is obviously non-existent in SoHads

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